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Welcome to

Grand Rapids ​Somatic Therapy

Somatic Therapy

Somatic, from the root ​word “soma”, refers to the ​body & its role in healing.​ We will together focus on ​how the body can be a ​resource in healing & ​also how to resolve what ​the body has held onto ​from past hurts. Letting ​the body lead is essential. ​

Stress & Trauma

We all experience suffering. ​Many try to avoid it and ​others make it their whole ​identity. Whether it’s past ​or present, let’s be with ​your suffering in a new ​way. Learn to reintegrate ​life’s hurts into who you ​are, embracing challenge & ​improving how you relate t​o yourself and others.

Li​fe Transitions

All stages of life come ​with unique joys & ​challenges. Whether it’s ​going away to school, ​engaging in partne​rship, or becomi​ng a parent, we will a​cknowledge where you ​are & all the places you’v​e been. In doing so, we c​reate fertile​ ground for growth.

Transform pain & ​suffering into ​resilience & whole ​hearted living.

Begin your healing journey by ​making sense of your stories and ​living a more embodied life. ​Welcoming people of all colors, ​body sizes, abilities, sexualities, ​genders, religions and political ​values.

Emily Warning, LMSW

"I aim to empower my clients by holding space, ​getting them reconnected to their bodies, and ​helping them make peace with their stories."

Emily is a Licensed Master Social Worker & mental health ​counselor & somatic trained therapist. She specializes in ​utilizing a holistic & relational approach to address issues ​that arise from unresolved trauma, stress and anxiety, life ​transitions, and mood disorders. Emily believes by addressing ​dysfunctional patterns of the mind and body that stem from ​the past, we can live fuller and more balanced lives in the ​present and future.

For more information about Emily, go here.

5242 Plainfield Ave NE | Grand Rapids MI 49525 | Schedule Online

Phone: 616-209-8757 | Email: emily@grsomatictherapy.com